Total Quality Management Requirements and their impact in enhancing competitive advantage

An exploratory study in the presidency of the University of Tikrit in the province of Salah al-Din


  • مدرس مساعد رؤى احمد إبراهيم


Total Quality Requirements, Competitive Advantage


The objective of the research is to identify the availability of the overall quality requirements to achieve competitive advantage at the University of Tikrit. The research is based on the descriptive analytical approach and the use of the quality requirements scale As well as the measure of competitive advantage, and the research reached a number of results is that the most academic leadership functions whose performance is affected by the requirements of the overall quality.

The study produced a number of recommendations that include implementing mechanisms that draw a clear path to achieving competitive advantage. In the light of these recommendations, the study reached a number of conclusions, the most prominent of which are: the existence of a correlation relationship and a significant effect among the research variables in light of the researcher's study which is consistent with the recommendations.

