The Impact of Leadership Styles on Achieving Local Management Objectives

An Analytical Study in Diwaniyah Governorate


  • ا.م .علاء دهام حمد
  • الباحث علي مهدي محلول


The present study aims to test the influence of leadership styles as an independent variable in relation to its dimentions ( the democratic style , the autocratic style and the free style ) in achieving the goals of local a dminstration as a respondent variable in relation to its dimentions (the democratic ve objective the political objectives , the social  objectives , and the ecomomic objectives ) in AL- Diwanya governorate , and then the attempt to find out a set of distributed to the sample of the study and (24) one were good for analysis . the data was processed according to (spss) program , adopting the methods of descriptive statistics including ( percentage , standard deviation , coefficient deviation , simple correlation coefficient and the multivariate correlation method ) . to test the hypotheses of the study that proved the reliability of the hypothese are represented by the adoption of the free style of leadership by AL-Dwanya in the democratic style by the AL-Diwanyah governorate council in the implementation of their descisions and duties and to be firm in resolving disputes between its members without any indulgence in relation to defaulters . the researcher has find out a matrix through which the council can reconcile between the leadership styles and the objectives of local administration    . 

