The impact of organizational citizenship behaviors on employee performance


  • الباحث: بتول رعد ابراهيم
  • أ.م.د. ناظم جواد عبد


The aim of this research is to test the relationship and impact of organizational citizenship behaviors as a separate variable in the performance of employees as a response variable at the headquarters of the Ministry of Water Resources centrally funded in Baghdad governorate. Based on the importance of the subject of research in public organizations and the importance of organizations investigated for the society, the analytical descriptive approach was adopted in the completion of this research. The research included all of the ministry except the certificates of intermediate and endowment. The data were collected from 255 respondents who represent the research sample exclusively and comprehensively. By adopting the questionnaire which included (75) paragraphs, Personal interviews and field observations were used as assistance tools in their collection. The study also adopted the program (Amos V.18, Spss V.21) with the adoption of methods of descriptive statistics (natural distribution test, global empirical analysis, variance modeling, arithmetic mean, percentages, standard deviation, relative importance, diffraction coefficient, Pearson correlation coefficient , And the simple regression coefficient) to test its hypotheses. The main findings of the research, which showed the validity of the hypotheses, show that the behavior of citizenship in the Ministry of Water Resources headquarters affects directly and increase this effect indirectly in the performance of workers.

