Information and Communications Technology and its Impact in Organizational Culture

A Prospective Study of the Views of a Sample of Individuals in Central Bank of Iraq \ Baghdad


  • خالد زيدان عبدالهادي
  • م.م.راوية محمد وجيه جرجيس


Information and Communication Technology, Organizational Culture.


The study seeks to effect demonstrate the information and communication technology in the organizational culture is a prospective study of the views of a sample of individuals in the Central Bank of Iraq, and the application of information and communication technology in our organizations is necessary and urgent, and the demands of progress and catch up with the passengers of developed countries, Others studies and papers and researches in this range, in focus on study of impotence of information and communication technology, business and administrative tasks in the organization including and the requirements of development and progress, and what the culture of the organization of a strong and direct impact on the success of any new strategy adopted for the performance of discrimination, the existence of an appropriate organizational culture that gives a great ability to deal with variables appropriately and able to adopt modern administrative applications in the field of informatics, the following questions:
1. Is there a clear perception of the researched organization about ICT?
2. Is there a clear perception of the researched organization about organizational culture?
3. What is the reality researched organization for use the components of information and communication technology?
4. What is the nature relationships effect and correlations between information and communication technology and Organizational Culture؟
In order to answer the above questions, the analytical descriptive method was adopted by designing and constructing a scale that has the ability to measure the main dimensions of the research. The questionnaire was distributed as (30) samples were distributed to a sample of individuals as the research sample. In order to analyze the data, the study reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is the existence of a significant relationship between information and communication technology and organizational culture at the level of the researched organization. A number of issues were also presented, the most important of which is the great interest in the human resource, which is the main element in the adoption of modern technologies. And contribute to strengthening the organizational culture.

