The tax revenue in Iraq between the efficiency of tax administration and the elements of the success of the tax system

An Empirical Study of the General Commission for Taxes


  • أ.م.د.محمد حلو داود الخرسان
  • م.د. هناء علي حسين القريشي
  • م. زياد طاهر محمد علي


mono budget, sales tax, taxation, tax system, taxpayers.


There is growing interest by governments in different systems of government in which political ideas which it believes, taxes as instruments of fiscal policy, seeking to achieve through which political, social and economic goals as well as "financial targets, as the tax policy formulated objectives and plans its revenues consistently and harmony with the objectives of economic policy in general.
In the context of the tax reform, different countries have resorted to the search for possible alternatives to maintain a financially, economically and socially effective fiscal policy. Iraq should not be different from these countries. It establishes a fiscal policy to achieve tax revenues by activating the role of the tax system to strengthen the budget in the light of economic changes and financial crises in recent years.
The main reason for the need to activate the tax system in Iraq is the very modest contribution of tax revenues within the state budget.
To address the reasons for the low contribution of tax revenues it is necessary to identify the elements of the success of the tax system and discuss the tax revenue in two aspects The level of general headquarters and branches on the one hand, and knowledge the facilities or obstacles which is provided by the tax system to increase the proceeds of the receipt of the other, and finally reach the reform of the tax system, which we find an important requirement for the reform of the Iraqi financial and economic system in this time.
In this context, the study deals with the tax revenues in Iraq as planned by the tax administration in accordance with the statistics of the tax administration and then identify the impact of the tax system in making the proceeds low for public revenues.

