أعادة تصميم الوظيفة وانعكاسها في تبسيط الاجراءات

دراسة حالة في أمانة بغداد


  • الأستاذ المساعد الدكتور /غني دحام تناي الزبيدي
  • الباحث /عقيل حسن حريجة شهلول


The research aims to delete some of the steps in the legal and accounting function and integrating some of the steps that will help solve the bottlenecks in work and reduce costs and reduce the time traditional Chinese food like salted fish to simplify procedures, and took the research from the weakness in the design of legal and accounting function and the length of the procedure leading to the material cost problem, and the design of the proposed outline of the steps of the post shows new legal accounting function of the hafrada to simplify procedures, the case study approach adopted in problem identification and analysis of data and information on the sample search functions and steps the conduct of the proceedings and the exchange rate of the amount of the proceedings against the secretariat of Baghdad, was adopted, a researcher in the collection of data and information on the ground in the field interviews disabled the relationship and examine their files and records as well as the study of the laws, regulations and instructions, of the tools of this research is A map of the conduct of the proceedings of the five symbols of American (work, transportation and auditing, delays, and conservation) and the researcher has reached a set of results, the most prominent of which was the design of legal and accounting function of the secretariat of Baghdad reflects the need to re-design jobs, the cancellation of some unnecessary steps (18,17,16,3) and integrating some steps (9.8) The legal function in the cancellation of some unnecessary steps (46,45,44,43,42,41, 66,65,64,63,62,61) and integrating some steps (83,82,81,80,79,77, 84) with regard to the accounting function which reduces the time required to implement the procedures of sample posts search, lacks the implementation section in the legal department of the existence of a database for the conservation priorities of the proceedings and to refer to it when needed, based on the findings, a researcher from the results, a set of recommendations, the most important of which was the formation of a working group to review the functions that must be The re-designed, the abolition of some steps and integrating some unnecessary steps which reduces the time to implement a sample search functions, the attempt to adopt a computer in some tasks and receive mail through the internet with the state departments to increase the speed in the completion of the work

