Enhance the Quality of Teaching Services According to the Dimensions of Job Security

Field Study at the University of Mosul


  • د. آلاء عبد الموجود العاني


The research dealt with the issue of job security and its contribution to the quality of educational services applied to the University of Mosul. The aim of the research was to determine the extent of the sense of job security in Mosul University, as well as the contribution of security factors to the quality of the educational services offered by the University. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, a number of hypotheses were adopted concerning the lack of job security factors that contribute to the quality of educational services.

The research is based on the analytical descriptive approach in the presentation and discussion of the data. The method works by combining the case description with analysis and drawing conclusions. Using a set of statistical methods, the data of the practical side were analyzed, which included an analysis of the responses and opinions of the surveyed individuals at the University of Mosul, which reached (50) individuals. A number of conclusions were reached, the most important of which is the existence of more than one factor of job security that contributes directly to Improving the quality of education in the field

