Tathir Quality Scholarship Program For Students At University level

A Study of the Views of a Sample of Students of the Department of Life Sciences Faculty of Education at The University of Diyala


  • م. لؤي قيس عبد الله


Scholarship students, utility, data, success, experience, the budget, the scientific interest, low-inc


The study focused basically on measuring the relationship between the material cost of the students benefits program and the benefits which are earned by it, which was distributed  on college students in the initial stages (matinee) and to show the extent of the benefits accruing from the grant program compared to the material burdens which matched and the extent of success or failure of the experience and its effect from o scientific and side on the Iraqi student through these tough economic circumstances experienced by the country in general, and also trying to find ways of  proposed increase or expansion of distribution in the future in the event of proven economic feasibility from the program.

An data has been taking from the data fro the Department of Financial Affairs and the Department of Studies and Planning at the University of  Diyala with taking an data representing an actual and minimized pattern and questionnaires to a sample of students from the Department of Life Sciences in the Faculty of Education of the University of  Diyala on the level of success and failure of students in the first year of the grant and the year before for the purpose of distribution comparison.

The importance of the study to measure the extent of interest earned in comparision whit the material which is expenseon the program of grant (grant of students) to assist the competent authorities to continue or not in the program of student grants for the coming years.

