تأثير الذكاء الاستراتيجي في تسويق الخدمة الجامعية

دراسة حالة في كلية الرافدين الجامعة


  • أ.م.د. مها عارف بريسم
  • أ.د. دينا حامد جمال


     The current research joins between two basic alternatives that have a great importance in the strategic and marketing field which are (the strategic intelligence, marketing university service). The two researchers seek to recognize the scope of influence of strategic intelligence elements in marketing university service of AL-Rafidain AL-Jamia College the research was applied on sample of 34 responders.

     To reach to the aim of research and select of its hypotheses the stoical program (SPSS) was used. The research reached to set of important conclusions which are: There is a relation of influence of the strategic intelligence in marketing university service as well as the research reached to set of recommendations among them. Give great importance to the strategic intelligence as one of the subjects that contributed in success of organizations and inter prices especially the educational ones.                  

