Effect of Social Responsibility on Management by Value

A Case Study of Sample from the Governmental Universities' leaderships


  • ا.م.د.مجيد محسن محمد
  • المدرس مي حمودي الشمري


social responsibility, values management


        The research aim is to know the effect of social responsibility on the value university's leadership in light of research's problem ,which  representative presented in  management  risk when  there isn't social responsibility, this was  presented in following question:

What is the extent of the effect of  social responsibility by its two dimensions(economic and discretionary) on the Management by value  in collage's Depts. ?

The research 's hypotheses'  explained  there was significant  existing effect of social responsibility  on the Management by values

  Depending on  (SPSS 20) program to measure the effect of social responsibility through its dimensions : discretionary ,ethical ,legal, economic , on the Management by value through its dimensions(survival, Ethical, wellbeing),the research achieved to existing of significant  effect of social responsible by its two dimensions(economic and discretionary)  on the management by variables and recommended to promote the values of the three dimensions and Devoting the concept of social responsibility through the quality units in collages by adopt seasonal evaluation of extent of social responsibility of departments synchronize with studies periods and establishing social responsibility prize to create competition .         

