The Role of Strategic leadership in the Application of the Quality of Higher Education

an Applied Study at the University of Diyala


  • أ.م. محمود حسن جمعة
  • م.عامر رشيد عنيد
  • م.محمد إبراهيم تايه


Strategic Leadership, Quality of higher education


    The research aims to identify the level of strategic leadership and quality of higher education, and testing the relationship of correlation and influence between strategic leadership and quality of higher education, The research problem was the role of strategic leadership in the quality of higher education of Diyala University. The questionnaire was used as a data collection tool, distributed to 30 forms as a sample for research, analyzed using the SPSS program, For the purpose of testing research hypotheses. The research found a correlation and an impact between strategic leadership and quality of higher education. The research ended with a set of recommendations that it is hoped will benefit the concerned.

