The Role of Strategic Thinking Patterns in the Quality of Administrative Decision Making ,

Analytical Study of the Views of University Ieaders in the Faculties of Salahuddin University of Erbil


  • أ.م.د احلام ابراهيم ولي
  • أ. م مظفرحمد علي
  • م احمد ازان شريف


      The aim of the research is to identify the role of strategic thinking patterns (holistic, abstract, diagnostic, schematic) among the university leaders in the faculties of the University of Salahuddin / Erbil. In order to reach this goal, (The type of holistic thinking, the pattern of abstract thinking, the pattern of diagnostic thinking, the pattern of schematic thinking), while the third axis of the dependent variable relates to the quality of administrative decision making. The questionnaire was distributed to 100 respondents Aclasia and the meanings of the deans and heads of scientific departments, has been pursuing the analytical descriptive approach as a way to research was the use of statistical methods SPSS to get to the search results, and research found a set of results

1-There are levels of (types of strategic thinking and quality of administrative decision-making) among the university leaders in faculties of Salahuddin University / Erbil.

2-There is a positive positive relationship between all types of strategic thinking and the quality of administrative decision-making

  3- There is a significant impact of the types of strategic thinking in the quality of administrative decision - making.

Based on the findings, the researchers recommended that the university leaders at the university be given an interest in strategic thinking as an important factor in the quality of managerial decision making

