Robots and the future of employment


  • D.Vian S. Al.Salihy
  • Sarhad H. Khdir
  • Abdulla I. Aziz


Robot, future of employment, advantages, disadvantages, limitations of robots - individuals, governments, and business


                 Robots play important roles in various business activities in both manufacturing and service sectors. It is only safe to assume that robots are bound to play even greater roles in the future. It is very likely that this will have different implications on economies worldwide. Also, robotization can impact employment methods and activities worldwide. The very question of the impact of robots on the future of the jobs has attracted many scholars.

               This article is a review of some of the literature done to address this topic. Research indicates that robots have been valuable in employment activities. It also shows the potential robots doing work that humans find dull, too hard or dangerous. This article has found out that robots have benefits and limitations for individuals and governments too. This article shows a part of a strong debate that has been going on for more than a century over how robots could affect employment. Those who rage against the machine say robots will steal our jobs, shakeup our societies and are not capable of achieving the same effective results as human workers. Others believe that robots are the key to ultimate freedom from work that humans find dull or dangerous beside many other benefits.


