دور رأس المال المعرفي في تحقيق النجاح الاستراتيجي

دراسة استطلاعية لآراء عينة من الأكاديميين في جامعة السليمانية التقنية


  • أ.م .د. كاظم فرج عارف سعيد هاواري ‏


رأس المال المعرفة ‏, رأس المال البشري ‏


The impact of knowledge capital in achieving strategic success : An exploratory study of a sample of academics at Sulaimaniyah Technical University

     The research aims to identify the relationship between the knowledge capital and strategic success has been applied at the University of Sulaimaniyah for a sample of teaching in various departments and disciplines because they have a prominent role in supporting the educational process in the Kurdistan Region, the research problem pointed out that most organizations face many fundamental problems The research adopted a hypothetical scheme based on the main hypothesis that there is a relationship and impact between the knowledge capital and strategic success. Data collection by sources and references is a questionnaire, which is an essential tool for data collection and has been distributed to a sample of university teaching staff (37). The research plan and its hypotheses were tested using the statistical program ready-made (spss). The importance of the University under consideration research capital knowledge and use as a basis in support and enhance the performance of the career of its employees.

