The Effect of Intellectual Capital on Achieving Competitive Advantage

A Survey Study at Al - Hadba University


  • الباحثة زينب حسين زويد
  • م.جمال هداش محمد
  • م.د.شيماء محمد صالح


The success of any organization in the business world today depends on the mentality that is available and which develops and renews its business in a world characterized by development and renewal. In an increasingly competitive world, relying on profits and sales is no longer enough to face strong competition. It was necessary to rely on intangible values ​​such as intellectual capital to increase the performance of these sectors as an important institution to promote the national economy.

This research aims to study the impact of intellectual capital and its components on enhancing competitive advantage

The results of this research demonstrate that there is a strong influence on intellectual capital and its components (independent variables) on enhancing the competitive advantage (the dependent variable). Therefore, the researcher recommends attention to knowledge assets and encouragement of intellectual capital components (human capital, functional capital, structural capital) On the competitive advantage.

