The coefficient of monetary stability in the Iraqi economy for the period


  • أ.م.د.افتخار محمد مناحي


monetary stability, stability Coefficient, Economy and stability, stability and instability.


          Monetary stability is the fundamental objective that monetary authority in any economy seeks to achieve in order to target low rates of inflation and stability and thus achieve economic stability. In Iraq, the economy has not experienced monetary stability despite efforts by the monetary authority. The research aims to address the criteria of the coefficient of monetary stability and then rely on them in the calculation of the Coefficient of monetary stability in the Iraqi economy for the period(2004- 2017). The researcher reached of conclusions, The most important was that:                                                                                                                                           

-  The Iraqi economy did not witness monetary stability throughout the research period, because of the change in the counterpart in real GDP.

- the inflationary increase in the money supply is greater than the noninflationary visit taking into account the demand for money.

