E-governance and its impact on the Iraqi economy, security

دراسة نظرية


  • م .د.فاضلة علي
  • م.علياء هاشم
  • م.م.علي الحر لازم


The country at the present time many economic problems had a clear impact on all sectors of the state, and attributed the reason for this to lower oil prices as the main reason, and mentions some technical errors and mismanagement secondary causes, as well as the departments work to reduce spending, particularly in areas that can be dispensed with them like paper correspondence, as well as the pressure conduction expenses of information and administrative orders and facilitation of administrative work, as there are many projects and plans must be swift action, nor Nnsa great role lead of corruption and bribery in the destruction of the economy, especially that Iraq has become the advanced countries in the field of bribery and bureaucracy, and this stage must state departments of political followers would raise the economic level of the country, as well as the use of methods and tools to keep pace with the evolution of scientific fields using modern information and communication technologies, to reduce the negative phenomena mentioned above, and this means the use of electronic government or e-government

