إمكانية تبنّي المصارف الأهلية العراقية للهندسة الماليّة

تجربة مصرف كوردستان الدولي للإستثمار والتنمية – دراسة حالة


  • أ.م.د.هادي خليل إسماعيل
  • م.م.نارين إِبراهيم أبوزيد الدوسكيّ


financial engineering, financial innovation, financing structure, investment structure, risk management


Financial engineering is an appropriate tool to find innovative solutions and new financial tools that banks need to maintain a variety of financial instruments and products to manage their financial and investment structure and hedge their risks.

The current study seeks to study the possibility of adopting financial engineering by the Iraqi private banks, by presenting the experience of the the Kurdistan international bank for Investment and development in the field of financial engineering.
The study used a number of quantitative methods to analyze the historical data of the Kurdistan international bank for Investment and development for the period (2008 - 2015) to identify the areas of financial engineering adopted by the Bank.
The main conclusions of the study are that Kurdistan international bank for Investment and development adopts a lot of traditional financial engineering tools in solving solutions to the problems of the financing structure and devising solutions to the problems of the investment structure. It also adopts financial engineering in the fields of risk management, which indicates the possibility of adopting financial engineering in an environment Kurdistan Region of Iraq in particular and Iraq in general.
The study presented a number of proposals, the most important is that the Kurdistan international bank for Investment and development should look for more opportunities to create new financing and investment tools.

